
1. Navigate to the 'Announcements' Tab

Tap the '+' button at the bottom of the screen.

Choose an announcement type:

  • Blank Announcement
  • Templates
  • Historical
  • My Templates

2. Blank Announcement

A blank announcement gives you a blank-slate to type out any announcement. Use this when there isn't an existing announcement template that suits your needs.

3. Announcement from 'Templates'

Choose from a list of common announcements to save time typing. These are created by the WardBullet team and are updated from time to time.

4. Announcement from 'History'

Choose from a list of announcements you have used in the past. This allows you to copy announcements from previous weeks:

5. Customize your own 'My Templates'

You can also create your own templates. This allows you to customize announcements that you plan on using over and over again.

Tap the '+ Create Template' button:

Customize your announcement template and don't forget to tap 'Save'.

To insert a custom template, tap the 'Insert' button:

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