It all started when my wife was called to be the Ward Bulletin Specialist...

By Jared Green

"Can you help me convert this word document into a PDF? Why won't anyone send me the agenda or the announcements on time??"

Jared Green Family
Jared Green Family

Our Story

How We Started

"How do I convert a word document to a PDF?" asked my wife and newly called Ward Bulletin specialist. This was the beginning of a whole bunch of questions and realized pain points in the current process of creating and sharing ward programs. I thought to myself "Why haven't we figured out a better way yet?" At the time I was working too much building a software company in Mckinney, TX but thought to myself this would be a fun problem for someone else to figure out. A few years later I retired and was looking for an opportunity to learn a few new programming languages, and WardBullet was born!

Danielle Green
Jared Green

If you're like my wife, most ward bulletin specialists either inherit a totally frankensteined Word document with WAY too many "....."'s and the constant battle of keeping it all inside the margins. Beyond this, printing a word document is different on EVERY printer, so sending the bulletin to someone else to print introduces all sorts of formatting problems. This requires exporting as PDFs - and just a whole 'nother set of steps to produce the circus every week. That's why Ward Bullet needed to be paperless, Auto-formatting, standardized structure, and easy printing / exporting to PDF.

Last Minute Updates

Nothing is ever a problem if the prayers, talks, announcements, and songs are all ready to go and delivered by Friday night...but more often than not, in a volunteer organization with way too many kids we end up running a "little behind." It seems like everyone was always running a little late. That's why WardBullet needed to be able to allow updates to happen at any time...even from the stand during the last speaker when you finally track down the Benediction...

What Makes WardBullet Awesome!

Designed to solve all of life's least your bulletin problems.

Standardized and Paperless

Eliminate formatting and printer issues AND save the planet at the same time.

Real-Time Updates

Updates from the stand during the last speaker...yeah, we've all been there.

Easy to Share

Meet your viewers where they stand -- digital links, QR Codes, and even the mighty old printed "bi-fold."

How It's Free

WardBullet is free and was built as a tool to help others organize and share. I am a retired technology entrepreneur and was looking for a project to learn a few new technologies. It has been a fun project and I hope it can help others as well.

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