It all started when my wife was called to be the ward bulletin specialist...
By: Jared Green
"Can you help me convert this word document into a PDF? Why won't anyone send me the agenda or the announcements on time??"
This was the beginning of a whole bunch of questions and realized pain points in the current process of creating and sharing ward programs. I thought to myself "Why haven't we figured out a better way yet?" At the time I was working too much building a software company in Mckinney, TX but thought to myself this would be a fun problem for "someone else" to figure out.

How it's Free

I am a retired software entrepreneur and was looking for a personal project to learn a few new programming languages. WardBullet is written in Flutter, Golang, and ReactJS. It has been a really fun project and I have enjoyed getting proficient in these languages. I also served in the Bishopric in Texas and saw first hand how a tool like this could be beneficial. I hope you enjoy this app and that it can help your ward!
Go Digital
A better sacrament meeting program
If you're like my wife, most ward bulletin specialists either inherit a totally frankensteined Word document with WAY too many "....."'s and the constant battle of keeping it all inside the margins. Beyond this, printing a word document is different on EVERY printer, so sending the bulletin to someone else to print introduces all sorts of formatting problems. This requires exporting as PDFs - and just a whole 'nother set of steps to produce the circus every week. That's why Ward Bullet needed to be paperless, Auto-formatting, standardized structure, and easy printing / exporting to PDF.
What makes WardBullet awesome:
- Standardized and Paperless. Eliminate formatting and printer issues AND save the planet at the same time.
- Easy to Share. Meet your viewers where they stand -- digital links, QR Codes, and even the mighty old printed "bi-fold."
- Real-Time Updates. Updates from the stand during the last speaker...yeah, we've all been there.
Bullets in 5 continents